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Team Emergency Dental

Call for an Appointment with 24/7 Dentist IMMEDIATELY

Trusted Emergency Dentist in Orlando, FL - 24-Hour Assistance

A dental emergency can be overwhelming and occur at the least expected time. It can arise when you are just about to leave your house for work during the early morning hours. It can strike when preparing yourself for a good, restful night.

Even if you adhere to the best oral care practices recommended by dentists, you can still face a dental problem. Some dental issues can be easily avoided. For instance, you can prevent knocking out your teeth from their socket by putting on a mouthguard when playing contact sports. Other dental concerns, such as breaking your jaw during a car crash, are inevitable.

Dental emergencies often cause unbearable pain when they strike. They can also result in extreme mouth discomfort and damage your beautiful smile. If the front teeth have been broken, for instance, it can really affect your esteem. Front teeth are crucial for appearance and warm smiles.

Another stress that emergencies occasion is that they require immediate attention. Failure to seek emergency dental care services can lead to further complications. This demands that you have an urgent care dentist who can get you in within short notice. Orlando emergency dentists usually have a busy schedule and are hard to locate. To avoid the hassle and stress of trying to locate one, call us at 888-461-7274. Our dental office is always eager to help our patients find a dentist in Orlando.

What Amounts to a Dental Emergency?

The American Dental Association (ADA) defines a dental emergency as a serious mouth condition that requires urgent treatment. Immediate treatment serves to stop bleeding and alleviate associated pain. Dental emergencies include excessive bleeding, tooth pain, abscess, injury due to accident, swelling, infection, root canal for pain relief, and chipped or broken teeth. 


ADA also lists third-molar pain, knocked-out tooth, and temporary dental restoration loss as emergencies requiring urgent dental care. Though these emergencies may seem minor, they still demand a 24-hour dentist to treat them. The emergencies mentioned above are not inclusive of all conditions. If you feel any serious discomfort in your mouth, visit a dentist’s office near you.

dental intervention procedure

Dental Urgency: How to Prevent them and What to Do when they Occur

Never take your oral health for granted. Doing that will increase your night trips to emergency dentists. If you have ever experienced any emergency, such as toothache, you understand how uncomfortable the experience is. One of the easiest ways to prevent dental problems is to be better informed. Knowing which signs and symptoms to look out for and where to look for urgent care is critical. Having the right information enhances your preparedness for a dental emergency should it occur at any moment. The following are the most common dental issues in Orlando and tips on preventing them.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Nothing dampens a brilliant smile like a knocked-out tooth. You can prevent your tooth from getting knocked out by:


Wearing a mouthguard when engaging in highly physical sports and risky recreational activities

Avoiding fights

Putting on a seat belt when driving. If a sudden road incident requiring an immediate stop occurs, the belt will protect your face and mouth from taking a hit.


If the inevitable happens and your tooth gets knocked out, seek emergency dental services immediately. As you wait to visit an emergency dentistry clinic near you, ensure that you preserve the affected tooth. You can put it in saline water or a container filled with milk. Ensure you get to the dental clinic within an hour after the incident.

Cracked or Broken Tooth

If you have a chipped or broken tooth, you require emergency dental services right away. If a chip is not immediately fixed, it may worsen quite fast. One of the ways to prevent this dental problem is to avoid biting hard food substances. Food items such as nuts, olive pits, and ice can easily chip or break your teeth.


Stop using your teeth as opening tools. Use scissors to open any packages. Using your teeth for the wrong purposes may likely cause unintended harm. 


Wear a mouthguard if you are prone to grinding or clenching your teeth. Grinding teeth over long periods eventually weaken your teeth and make them vulnerable to chipping. 

Severe Toothache

Toothaches can be classified into minor, moderate, and severe. Some toothaches occur randomly, while others occur persistently. While some claim to treat minor toothaches with painkillers and other medication, please do not fall for it. Tooth pain signifies the presence of an underlying dental problem. Always seek emergency dental care services as soon as possible if you have any toothache, no matter how minor.


Taking proper care of your teeth and gums is the best way to protect your teeth from decay. To reduce the risk of developing severe tooth pain, brush your teeth twice daily. Brushing removes plaque and food debris resting on teeth surfaces. Remember to floss your teeth at least once a day. Dental flossing removes food particles stuck between teeth that brush bristles can’t reach. 


Try your level best to avoid sugary foods and drinks. Oral bacteria feed on sugar and produce acid as a waste substance. As such, consuming sugary foods and drinks increases the chance of your teeth decaying.

modern dental clinic in emergency

Commonly Asked Questions

What is the cost of 24-hour dental care services?

The cost of emergency dental care in Orlando, on average, ranges near the price of regular dental care. The distinction may be on the need to book an emergency appointment. An appointment can be during after-hours or on weekends. We recommend you use a dental discount plan to offset dental care costs. Some discount plans can save up to 40% of the total costs if utilized well.

When should I visit an Orlando emergency dentist?

If you have a dental problem, such as knocked-out teeth or a broken jaw, you certainly require emergency dentistry care. An emergency dentist is always available to treat a dental issue immediately. A dental problem, such as an abscess or severe dental pain, cannot wait until your regular dentist is available. Failure to get the dental conditions treated immediately can lead to more severe complications. A problem that could be treated by a dental filling could end up requiring an emergency tooth extraction.

Get Help from a Reliable Orlando Dental Services Now!

We know that dental problems are unpredictable. For this reason, our hotline is open 24/7. We are available round-the-clock to help you get emergency dental care in Orlando. 

Team Emergency Dental

5728 Major Blvd Suite 450 Orlando, FL 32819

Area/Zip Code We Cover

32789, 32801, 32803, 32804, 32805, 32806, 32807, 32808, 32809, 32810, 32811, 32812, 32814, 32819, 32822, 32824, 32827, 32829, 32832, 32835, 32839