Set an Emergency Dental Appointment in Huntsville, AL, within 30 Seconds
No one wants to experience a dental problem. A true dental emergency is often painful and can easily disrupt your daily routine. If you have a broken tooth, for instance, you will have to visit an emergency dental office near you immediately. This comes at a cost to your finances, dental health, and time spent visiting the emergency dental facility.
The good news is that Huntsville dentists can treat dental emergencies. Most people first visit an emergency room when experiencing a severe dental issue. Although hospital emergency rooms are helpful, they usually lack specialized dental tools and practitioners to treat dental problems.
The medical specialists present at the emergency department are forced to refer you to an emergency dental clinic. If you are in such a situation, don’t fret. Call us at our number 844-700-1220. Our professional referral team will aid you in identifying an open Huntsville emergency dentistry practice.
It doesn’t matter if you are experiencing a dental emergency at odd hours or during off-hours; we are here to serve you. You can rest assured that you will locate an emergency dentist in Huntsville within a few minutes of calling us. Our offices are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, we are open on all weekends and holidays. This allows us to serve our clients at any given moment.
What are the Causes of Common Dental Emergencies?
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is the main cause of severe tooth pain. Tooth decay starts on a small portion of your tooth and then spreads to other regions. If left unattended, a cavity can lead to loss of your tooth and other severe dental health complications. Tooth pain leads to unbearable mouth discomfort. It affects your sleep and ability to eat.
Maintaining proper oral health is the best way to prevent decay. This includes regularly brushing your teeth, using dental floss, and routine visits to your regular dentist.

Eating Hard Food
Your enamel (teeth’s outer layer) is stronger than your bones. It can, however, break if you chomp down too hard on crunchy food substances, such as carrots. Biting hard food substances may cause your fillings to loosen or fall off. Food particles may then enter the left space and lead to dental cavity if left for too long. Food particles act as a substrate for bacteria.
Avoid eating hard food substances that may result in injuries, such as a cracked tooth. Even though dental emergencies are hard to predict, be cautious when taking hard food bites.

Accidents, such as car crashes, falling off stairs, and body collisions during physical sports, highly contribute to dental emergencies. Accidents result in body and oral trauma, unbearable pain, and sometimes fatalities.
Oral trauma can lead to knocked-out teeth. The affected teeth sometimes can be the frontal ones. This may, in turn, affect your self-esteem. Your facial appearance may look odd. Luckily, there are emergency dentists in Huntsville who have specialized in cosmetic dentistry.
Wear a mouth guard to prevent sports injury, such as dental trauma, when playing basketball. Wear full protective gear when training and playing such sports to reduce the occurrence of a preventable sports injury. Always fasten the safety belts when driving. Do the same when you are a passenger.
Common Dental Emergencies in Huntsville, AL
Knocked-Out Tooth: As mentioned earlier, a knocked-out tooth is mainly caused by accidents like falling or playing highly physical sports like football. It’s one of the most common dental emergencies in Huntsville, AL. It results in severe pain and sometimes bleeding.
If your tooth is knocked out, you need prompt treatment as fast as possible. Call our 24/7 helpline 844-700-1220 for professional assistance if you can’t trace an emergency dental clinic near you. We will help you book an emergency appointment with an emergency dentist near you within no time.
Find and retrieve the tooth. Carefully rinse off any dirt with warm water. Put it in cold milk or salt water. Ensure you carry it to your appointment with an available Huntsville emergency dentist.
Apply a cold compress to minimize pain and swelling while waiting to see the emergency dentist. In addition, swish your mouth with warm water. These measures offer temporary relief for your severe pain.
Broken Teeth: Dental emergencies are hard to predict. You may break your tooth while enjoying your favorite meal after a busy day. Your teeth may also crack while chewing relatively hard food substances.
Seek emergency dental care right after breaking your tooth. Visit a walk-in dentist near you for urgent dental care. Walk-in dentists sometimes may be unable to handle your dental issue, and they may refer you to an emergency dentist in Huntsville, AL.
Apply cold compress near the affected area when experiencing broken or cracked teeth. Bite sterile gauze gently in the event of bleeding. These are just temporary relief measures as you prepare to seek immediate care.
Team Emergency Dental
310 The Bridge Street, #222 Huntsville, AL 35806
(844) 700-1220